Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Say Cheese!

My phone photo storage was full again, so I had to make room for more precious memories.  Here are some from the past month and a half:
um bo beam (how Aubrey says Bumbo Seat) - still popular

Party Time!

AJ's favorite past time


Too Cool for School

Add caption


My Sweet Valentines!

Loving her baby

Fudge Pup's new hairdo

At the Mall- 3 going on 13!!

Can't wait for Daddy to get home!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sister Act

We love music at our house.  Lily Kate is always singing a song (often made up) and Aubrey starts dancing the moment she hears a beat.  Tonight I caught the cuties on tape singing some of our favorite songs.  We sing Jesus Loves Me and All Night, All Day at bedtime every night.  God Our Father is one of the girls favorite mealtime prayers.

Monday, February 20, 2012

The Cuteness Came to Town

The twins came for another visit Sunday afternoon!  I cooked some Chicken Tortellini and we just hung out and enjoyed being a fam.  We had lots of family togetherness- which we love!

The girls were in matching outfits when they arrived, but Mercy decided she wanted to be her own person :)
Lily Kate would hold her cousins all night if we let her!

Aubrey bopping Unca on the head

All tuckered out

Chloe striking a pose

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Canvasing the Neighborhood

I have always enjoyed painting, but I don't do it often enough.  
This time I had an excuse:  Two precious nieces!!  

So I borrowed their bedspread for a week and set to work.  Here is the finished product:

Their Nursery Bedding
Here are a few others I have done this year:
A canvas I made for a dear friend's little girl

Pottery Barn Coco Dot Bedding

Canvas for Lily Kate's Big Girl Room
Her Bedding (and her tiny little self)
I really enjoy doing it, and after I made Chloe & Mercy's, Stephen said I should start a business.  I don't know if I'm quite ready to set up an Etsy page :),  but if you have a need, let me know. If you aren't sold on buying one from a store, I'd be happy to try to make something cute and customized for you for a good price.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Daddy Daughter Date

On their way to Storytime with Daddy at the Library- Yep, I married a good one!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Simple Valentine's Craft

I love to do crafts and activities with the girls, but haven't done much lately.  I needed something for them to do yesterday morning and found this idea on Pinterest.  All it required was watercolors, a white crayon and a heart template (I was lazy & printed one off, but could just as easily have drawn some on paper).

The girls really enjoyed painting

and I think they turned out really cute!

I'm Going to Disney World!

A typical 3 year old, Lily Kate is really into crazy about princesses.  So it was an easy decision for us to plan a trip to Disney World this spring.
Poofing her Belle gown on the heat vent 
Trying on her Tangled Build-A-Bear Wig

Silly Snow White

Tink with the flowers Daddy brought her!
I overheard Lily Kate telling Aubrey all about Disney World at breakfast the other day.  I ran to get the camera, but I missed the sweetest "unscripted" portion.  Regardless- here is the video I captured :)

Monday, February 13, 2012

The Little Gymnast

This spring we signed Lily Kate up for a gymnastics class at The Little Gym.  We go on Fridays and she is loving it!  Here are some pictures from her first two weeks.

The second week she was the only student!  She loved the extra one-on-one attention!
Here's a short video I made:

One of a Kind

We truly are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14).  I love to see that exhibited in the personality traits of my girls.  Aubrey has always been our "wild child" but she lives up to that nickname on a daily basis as she attempts things that Lily Kate never dreamed of doing.

 She loves trying on shoes and trying to walk around the house in them.
 "Helping" with Reese's dog food.  Lily Kate's chore is to pick up all the pieces around the bowl and put them back in.  Aubrey decided to make her a little extra work this day.
 Aubrey wanted to test the washability of Crayola Markers.  She got ahold of her big sister's markers and drew on the wall and table leg.  Thankfully they truly are washable!