Saturday, March 20, 2010

We are having a gorgeous weekend here in Charlotte. We ate dinner on the back porch two nights in a row. Lily Kate has loved being outside and playing with the neighbor girls. They came over this morning to help her break in her new Barbie Jeep (it was given to us by some friends at church) Lily Kate loves to play in it while it is off and stationary. She isn't a huge fan of the noise it makes and wouldn't even ride with the Elliot driving.
Isabelle and Elliot
"Belle" as Lily Kate has nicknamed her and Lily Kate on the front porch.
JaJa and I made her a new iron-on t-shirt- It has a picture of Dora and says "I'm the Big Sister"

I have to include a few pics I didn't post last week.This is a cute one of Lily Kate and her Great-grandma Mary. She got some Crocs from Granddebbie and Grandpa Les and hasn't wanted to take them off since...silly girl.
Kathryn came over to visit on St. Patricks day.
For all of you who wanted to see my pregnancy it is at 24 weeks.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Party Continued...

After a much needed afternoon nap, Rachie & Unca and Pa & JaJa came over for dinner. We had a fabulous time and ate some more birthday cake.
Jill (JaJa), Rachel (Rachie) and Lily Kate
Lily Kate got two more babies whom she named Ruby and Max (too much Nick Jr. in our house) especially since "Max" is a little girl baby. I decided that Max is short for Maxine. The boys worked to put together a stroller for the baby dolls.
One family tradition is birthday pancakes in the shape of the number of years that you turn. So of course Sunday morning on Lily Kate's actual birthday we had to have a 2 pancake!
After church, my parents arrived and Lily Kate was spoiled even more with more presents and lots of attention. They drove out from Iowa to spend a few days with us and they were even able to convince Grandma Mary to come.
Grandma Debbie and Lily Kate
On Monday, we went to the Airport Overlook for a picnic. It was a little noisy for LIly Kate, but we enjoyed a picnic lunch as we watched the planes take off.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Feliz Cumpleaños!

Well, it is official, I'm one of those moms. We had Lily Kate's birthday party on Saturday morning. She had such a blast. Her favorite show right now is "Do do Dora'" so that was the theme.
The Party girl
Her JaJa (grandmother) made the was so cool I didn't want to cut it.
She was so excited about eating cake, before we could sing she started to sing "Happy Birthday" to herself.
Opening gifts...we need to add on to our house in order to store all of her new treasures ;) Thanks so much, everyone!

She had tons of her play group friends here and the neighbor girls were able to come too!
Of course she loved the extra attention from her great grandparents who drove all the way from Fayetteville to attend!

The weekend of spoiling continued when Unca & Rachie drove up from Columbia and then Sunday my parents got here...but as Lily Kate would say that will be "another one" post.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Hooked on Phonics

Tonight I asked Lily Kate to go play while I cleaned up the kitchen, this is what she came up with:
She read 10 books to Reese and Elmo; I guess they were good listeners.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My Best Friend's Wedding

We went to Garner this weekend for one of my best friends from college's wedding. They got married in a beautiful garden, thankfully the weather was equally beautiful.
The new Mr. & Mrs. Stone! They met in grad school at Campbell. We saw so many camels...many of whom we hadn't seen in almost 6 years!
Lily Kate stayed with her was such a treat to get away for the weekend.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

First Haircut

So maybe it was a tad overdue...the hairdresser said she "kinda has a mullet" maybe I, like Alex Lambert (on American Idol), think that mullets are making a comeback. The reality is it was just hard to bring myself to cutting off those baby curls :)

Today, I bit the bullet and took her to Doolittle's to get her haircut. She did great! Although she wouldn't let them dry or style her hair. Maybe next time.
This is the set-up a television with Madagascar, a fire truck to sit on, and a lollipop when it is all over!
It still has some curl even after they took off an inch!
All done!

The Best Part of Waking Up...

I awoke this morning to my wonderful husband bringing breakfast into the room. It doesn't get much better than Chick-fil-A biscuits in bed! (Stephen is working the night shift for a few weeks so he stopped on his way home). What a treat!