Thursday, December 30, 2010

Fat Rolls

Aubrey had her 6 month check up today and while most of the exam went normally, at the end, our pediatrician said he noticed asymmetrical fat rolls on her legs.  This is a soft symptom of hip dysplasia and, to be on the safe side, he thought we should get some x-rays.
Suddenly, I had a change in perspective on things.  God has given me so much to be thankful for: a loving husband and family, a warm home, a closet full of clothes, a full belly, and two beautiful and healthy children.  Why is it that it takes something like this to make me grateful?
We took her to get the x-rays, and about 2 hours later, the pediatrician's office called to say that everything is normal.  I guess one leg is just fatter than the other ;)
Today, I'm extra thankful to my Creator for giving me so much!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Then They All Rolled Over

She's been doing it for a few weeks, but I finally caught it on tape!  

Sunday, December 26, 2010

I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas

In the weeks before Christmas, Lily Kate would look out the window and tell me it wasn't Christmas yet, cause there was no snow.  I wondered how I was going to break it to her, that it hadn't snowed here on Christmas Day since 1947!

We had an amazing Christmas.  Christmas Eve we attended the Candlelight Service.  It was an adventure having both girls in the service, but they did remarkably well. Although during Silent Night Lily Kate held the candle up to her nose and said "Look, I'm Rudolph!" The church had battery operated candles for the children since last year someone's hair caught on fire.

One of our family traditions is to open one gift on Christmas Eve (often it's Christmas PJs, Lily Kate still fit in hers from last year, so she chose the tiniest package under the tree.)
Opening up her Christmas Eve present- Disney Princess silly bands from Unca & Rachie!
Christmas morning in their matching pjs
Aubrey's First Christmas- she slept in until 10:30!

Lily Kate LOVES her new doll house.  She played with it for hours!
When we opened our stockings, Lily Kate sat there with her unopened stocking and said "It's just what I wanted!"

Christmas night it started snowing and it didn't stop until the next afternoon!  Lily Kate got her wish of a white Christmas.  She really enjoyed the snow.

The snow was very packable...we made a snow cat.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Shake It Like a Polaroid Picture

Lily Kate: I think I got some circles.
Stephen: What's it sound like?
Lily Kate: I don't hear it anymore.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Just Eat It

Aubrey tasting cereal for the first time
Come on, Mom, I want more!
There are many similarities between my daughters, but Aubrey definitely has her own unique personality.  She was such an eager eater today.  We had to guide Lily Kate, but Aubrey was opening her mouth after she gulped down each bite.  She loved it!

Lily Kate sucks her thumb, Aubrey prefers her ring finger and pinky.

Sunday, December 19, 2010


We had a Saturday full of Christmas parties.  The first was with our playgroup friends at the Zello's home.  Lily Kate and Aubrey really enjoyed themselves.  Here they are all dolled up for the evening.

Lily Kate was excited that they had matching shoes :)
After the family Christmas party, I came gussied up and drove to the hospital to pick Stephen up.  He was on call but got to leave the hospital to attend the party.  We had a great time (but I forgot my camera).  After dinner and dancing I took my date back to the hospital before he turned into a pumpkin at the strike of midnight.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


You guessed it, we went to the Bobcats v. Raptors game last night.  The Bobcats pulled through with a win and Lily Kate ate an entire box of popcorn :)  It was a great night.

 The game started at 7pm, Lily Kate asked "Are the Bobcats over yet?" It was a late night for our little one.  (Aubrey stayed with a friend).

Michael Jordan was inducted into the North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame.  What a legend!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Little Lord Jesus Asleep on the Hay

Feeding Baby Jesus a bottle
*it is the Baby Jesus from our nativity.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Christmas Carols

I'm participating in Community Bible Study this year and we are studying the book of Luke.  I absolutely love it and Lily Kate loves the children's program.  She soaks up the lessons each week and enjoys learning different Bible verses.  This week the children got to sing for us before we had our lecture.

She decided to help direct

Here is our crazy little one:
*Note: She was an entertainer...but also ready for it to be finished so she could go" give Mommy and JaJa a kiss"


This year, I turned 30.  A milestone birthday, but it wasn't as difficult for me as 25, I guess because of where I am in life.  I'm very happy being the wife of a resident, the mother to two beautiful girls,  a daughter and friend to my parents and in-laws, and a friend with so many wonderful people.

Stephen got many of those wonderful people together and surprised me on Saturday night.  He told me we were going out to celebrate my birthday...when we arrived at the restaurant 16 of my closest friends were there!  What a surprise!
Craig & Jenna, Cheryl & Chris, Lily Kate & I

Meredith & Clint, Meera & Max, Kim, Shivani & Paras
The festivities continued on Sunday.  December 5th is my mother-in-law's birthday.  So we (with a surprise visit from Rachie & Unca) met at Maggiano's after church.  Happy Birthday, JaJa!
Jill, Lily Kate and I
Rachel, Jonathan, and Steve

Aubrey in her sparkly silver outfit (Lily Kate wore this outfit when we ate at Maggiano's 2 years ago to celebrate our birthdays!)
*Stephen planned this amazing weekend (with some help from Cheryl) but I didn't get a good photo of him!  Terrible news!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Ho Ho Ho

We attended the Wix Christmas party this morning for donuts and milk with Santa!
JaJa and Lily Kate decorating a gift bag.
Enjoying a sprinkled donut.
Santa Claus
Aubrey Claus

Friday, December 3, 2010

Christmas Crafts

Today we visited Small Hands, Big Art for a fun filled hour of crafts.  Lily Kate made some beautiful artwork and especially loved painting and glittering everything!
Playing with homemade playdoh

Decorating a contact paper Christmas ornament
Aubrey came too and I was so nervous about how I would handle both kids.  God was looking out for me, Aubrey napped the entire time!
The finished projects: A Christmas ornament, Christmas tree, Cool colors foil collage/painting.

Tis the Season

Growing up I would never allow our family to put up our Christmas Tree up before my birthday...I know it's selfish, I guess I didn't want to share my birthday with Jesus.  YIKES!
This year, however, we broke tradition (since Stephen's work schedule is going to be really hectic this month).  We actually have it up and decorated already!  Lily Kate really loved helping me hang the ornaments (and the bottom portion of the tree has quite a few more ornaments on it).

This shot reminds me of a photo from Lily Kates 1st Christmas:
She has grown just a tad :)

Aubrey got in the Christmas spirit this week by wearing several Christmas outfits!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Operation Christmas Child

Today my MOPS group (Mothers of Preschoolers) toured Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child Processing Center.  Each year they send millions of shoeboxes filled with toys/school supplies/toiletries, to children all over the world reaching them with the saving message of Jesus Christ (click here to learn more or to donate a box online).  

This year Lily Kate really got into helping to pick out items for our shoeboxes and then helping stuff them.  We did boxes for girls and boys ages 2-4 so she could relate to them.
Lily Kate and Kathryn gearing up for the tour
Today we dropped off our boxes and spent about a half hour touring the facility.  So far this season they have processed about 627,267 shoe boxes and today's are going to Columbia, Dominican Republic, Kazakhstan.
Our tour group
The Processing Lines- You can't tell from the picture what an amazing process this is.  Volunteers sort the boxes, make sure the content is appropriate and fill any empty space with extra candy and toys.
Lily Kate sitting by a palate of shoeboxes ready to be shipped out!  We used the online registration so in a few weeks we should get an email telling us where our boxes went!

Friday, November 19, 2010

I've Got So Much, So Much, So Much To Be Thankful For!

I'm thankful for the overflow from my cornucopia

Grandebbie and Les sent matching outfits! 

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Date Night

Last Saturday night Stephen's parents watched the girls and we had a date night.  We went Uptown to a great tapas restaurant, Dandelion Market, and then went to the Bobcats game.  It they had held on to their lead it would have been a perfect evening...but we still had a great time together.

Tuna Sliders
Fried Pickles and Deconstructed Caprese

Friday, November 12, 2010

Our Blessings

Lily Kate and I were feeling a little crafty yesterday, I had seen this idea in my MOPS magazine so we made a Blessings Tree.  
 Lily Kate helped me think of all kinds of things we are thankful was really fun.
 Lily Kate loved searching the yard for the perfect branches for our tree.  She then helped me paint some construction paper with different fall colors.  While she napped I cut the paper into leaf shapes.