Monday, September 24, 2012

Sweetest Song

Aubrey singing "This is the Day" to Honey.
This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Festival in the Park

The fall weather has arrived!  We decided to get out and enjoy it and Festival in the Park was the perfect place!
Checking out wings of different birds
Lily Kate chose to have her arm painted instead of her face

Aubrey held super still to get her butterfly 
Who can pass up free ice cream samples?
 On Lily Kate's first day of school, I asked Aubrey what she wanted to do.  Her answer was to go on an adventure and ride a choo choo.  Since that day, I have been trying to figure out how to fulfill her wish ;)  I was so excited when I saw this ride at the festival!  She finally got to ride her choo choo!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Run a Mile (or 3) in My Shoes

I've been training with Couch to 5K most of the summer, so today I ran in the Showmars 5K benefitting Levine Children's Hospital!  Beautiful day and great cause!
On our way to the starting line
After the race!  
I finished in the middle of the pack.  I think I was 178 out of 291.  Not too shabby-but definitely leaves room for improvement.  I say I think because I forgot to get my microchip!  Oops!

Carb loading for the Kids Fun Run
 It was an hour between the time that I finished and the start of the Fun Run.  They had a bounce house, DJ and all kinds of snacks.  Lily Kate didn't want to eat or do anything because she didn't want to miss the fun run.  I finally convinced her to eat some snacks!

She was so excited about her medal-
she wore it all day long!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Latest Pinterest Project

One of my sweet CBS sisters asked me to paint a canvas for her grandchildren's room in her home.  She saw this on Pinterest and asked if I could do a similar one.  
I'm really happy with how it turned out!  The step-by-step directions from Beyond the Screen Door were super helpful.  I was unable to get a overhead projector so I free handed my font.

I count this as a Pinterest Success!  What Pinterest inspired projects have you done lately?

Friday, September 14, 2012

Birthday Boy!

Stephen celebrated his 30th birthday this year!  I decided to have a surprise party for him and because of the Panther's season opener we had a reverse surprise party.  Everyone showed up at our house and then I pulled out all the party supplies!  Surprise!  
He really was surprised!  (It helped that we celebrated on Saturday (his actual birthday at The Liberty with both of our families).

Then Sunday afternoon, his parents and several of our friends came to the house to watch the game.  The only thing that would have made it better would have been if the Panthers won.

The birthday boy!

Paras & Shivani
Katie, Carter & Wes
My Dad
Me and Lily Kate
For those not interested in the game,
Aubrey served as the entertainment

Monday, September 10, 2012

Honey & Hampa Come to Town!

My parents came to visit from Iowa this week!  We all get so spoiled when they are here!  The girls love- I mean LOVE their camper.  They like to spend every waking (and for Lily Kate sleeping) moment out there.  I can't believe I didn't get any pictures of us in the camper- I guess we were too busy just enjoying being together!
 Their grandkids (all of them except Aubrey) call them GranDebbie and GrandLes.  Aubrey gave them new names when they visited in April and still called Honey and Hampa this trip.  :)


Going to a Princess Birthday Party
Sporting a tie like Daddy- (A co-worker)
Our big girl

Uptown with Daddy

Contrary to her her facial expression-
she asked to have her picture with the Indian

Trying on Mommy's junior bridesmaid dress

Bowtie Friday

My free Eshakti dress- custom made! 

Our neighborhood owl

Friday, September 7, 2012

First Day of School

It was with mixed emotions that I sent the girls to school this year.  I knew that preschool would be great for them, but I realize just how quickly they grow up and I know they will be in school for much of their lives!  Lily Kate was very excited about preschool.  Here are some pictures from her first day.  I cried at orientation and thought I would fall apart on the actual day, but we all did really well!

Lily Kate and Mrs. Sandy

 Aubrey enjoyed some one-on-one time, but she was ready to go get "my Lily."  We were a few minutes early and she stood at the door looking for her sister:

 On Fridays both girls will attend preschool- that's right- I get a morning off!  Here are some pictures from Aubrey's first day of 2 year old preschool:

She wasn't quite sure about it all.
Aubrey and Mrs. Jean (taken at orientation)
 When we picked her up she went on and on about how she painted a froggy!  She loves preschool too!

My big girls with their grandparents!