Monday, June 28, 2010

Welcome to Our World

Aubrey Jane made her grand appearance at 11:59 AM on Sunday, June 27th. She is 16 lbs 14 oz and 19 inches long. So far she is a good natured baby. She loves to eat and has a ton of hair!
Hanging out with Daddy...he has that baby touch.
She had her days and nights mixed up last night...lets hope she gets it straight tonight!
Lily Kate is a super excited big sister. Whenever she visits she wants to hold Aubrey the entire time.
We are all doing well (though a bit sleep deprived) and should be discharged from the hospital tomorrow morning.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

Today I'm especially thankful for the amazing father that Stephen is for our daughters. He is just the right amount of silly, sweet, loving, and playful.

Thanks for allowing me to be a stay at home mom. It's been the most wonderful job I could have ever applied for.

Thanks for getting up early and going to work (even working 30 hour shifts) to ensure that we have a roof over our heads, food on the table, and most importantly, air conditioning to keep us cool!

Thanks for mowing the lawn and fixing things around the house.

Thanks for being a hands on daddy who will play dress up, sing and dance or even read the same book 3 times in a row.

Thanks for listening when I get excited about what Lily Kate is doing. No one else cares like you do.

Thanks for being my best friend and the best dad ever. Lily Kate and I love you so much!
Lily Kate made decorated this wooden box for her Daddy. She wanted to fill it with "a toy, a tie or M&Ms" it depended on which day you asked her. We went with the safe bet...M&Ms.

Date Night

The Residency Calendar goes from July 1 to July 1, so as the rest of the country is gearing up for summer, the medical community is saying farewell to a class of residents and getting ready to welcome a new class.

Last night we attended the Graduation Banquet at the Hilton Uptown.
Me and my handsome date.
Group shot of the Peds Residents who attended the event.
We are really going to miss the residents who are graduating, but we are all really excited for them and what the future holds!

Friday, June 18, 2010


I believe Lily Kate has inherited her dad's sensitivity to light. Maybe because the other day in the car she was saying "Go away, Sun. Go away!" like she was shooing a fly. She has some Dora sunglasses:
Mommy's work when the Dora ones are out of reach.
She sits so still to keep them from falling off.
Had to wear them on her lunch date this week with Noah Kiker.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Three Reasons

Everyday my crazy little girl makes me smile. Today we played on the back porch with the water table. Here are three of the many reasons she made me smile today:
I'm just proud she can get them on.
She loves to water her tomato plants...the have no hope of really growing...they are swimming after she watered them 3 times in a row!
Squirting herself with the walrus and polar bear.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Cinderella Song

Lily Kate loves when the "Cinderella Song" comes on the radio.
He didn't want me to film them, but this was too precious to pass up. I love my family!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

May Flowers

Last Monday (May 31) Stephen and I celebrated our 7 year wedding anniversary. Our wedding flower was a hydrangea. We gave his mom one of the potted ones that we used as a decoration and she planted it in her yard. This year it is in FULL (and I mean full) bloom. When we were over there yesterday I snipped one of the blooms. God is such an amazing creator. I love all the shades of purple and blue. Our love is continuing to grow, much like this hydrangea. I am truly grateful that God allowed me to marry my best friend.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

I'm a big kid now!

We decided to work on setting up Lily Kate's "big girl room" before the baby arrives. She is completely excited about the whole process. Though it will be interesting to see how she does when she sleeps in there (I think we will do that tomorrow night). Stephen spent several hours on Wednesday painting the room "Rapids" to match her bedspread.
Today we "revealed" the room to her.
It is still a work in progress...I'll do another post once it is all in order. Right now, the only things in the room are the bed, a night stand, and a lamp.