Thursday, March 14, 2013

Happy Birthday, Lily Kate!

Dear Lily Kate,
You are such a wonderful daughter.  I am so thankful to have you in our family.  You bring so much joy, laughter, imagination and love to our family.  You have such a giving heart- you love to give away your belongings, and buy and make things for others.
You have your daddy's sense of humor and love to make others laugh and smile.  You are just the right amount of silly.

You take great care of your baby dolls and toys.  You love to play dress up- both the toys and you.  You are definitely a princess at heart.
You are a daughter of the King.  You love to learn about God's Word and love telling others about Him.  You always have a song on your heart.  You evangelize your sister on a regular basis and you love swimming lessons because they are preparing you to be baptitized.
You are a very talented artist and you love arts and crafts.  You even make up your own projects.

You are such a fine little girl.  I'm so thankful for the person that you are.  I love spending time with you.  You are beautiful both inside and out.  We are so glad you are a part of our family.
Mom & Dad

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Lodge!

We got together with our dear friends, the Bells and the Kikers, at Great Wolf Lodge this week.  The adults had all gone to Orlando in October, but we decided to bring the kids along this trip :)
Bunk Beds!
 It was fun to get our whole families together- I did a terrible job at taking pictures when we were all together- because I was busy visiting with my buds ;)

William celebrated his birthday with us!

Stephen and Zach and Lydia, Cora, Noah and Charlotte

Casey, Amy and I

Lily Kate wearing Zach's hat

Worn slam out!