Friday, May 28, 2010

Lazy Day

I have been a little under the weather today (a cold when preggo is NO fun), so I tried to come up with some things to keep Lily Kate occupied. We had pedicures, read a dozen books, watched entirely too much TV, played with play doh and Lily Kate's favorite new pastime is putting together 24-piece puzzles.
We did this one four times today. We are definitely going to have to return to Dollar Tree to pick out a new one.
This is "Aubrey Jane" according to Lily Kate. Let's hope when she actually makes her appearance she looks a little less purple.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Sprinkler Time

This weekend we spent some time in Gastonia with the family.
It was warm enough Sunday to play in the sprinkler!
To say she was excited to wear her pillowcase dress from Grandma Mary is an understatement.

Friday, May 21, 2010

The Simple Things

Tonight we had a fun and spontaneous family night. We ate dinner at Nothin but Noodles and then we browsed in Learning Express (a toy store) where Lily Kate told us to "Look with our eyes".What Friday night is complete without a trip to Walmart? We had to peruse the toy department and stopped a random shopper to snap this pic of us. Fun times!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


We took a field trip today, up to Mooresville, NC to the Lazy 5 Ranch. Our play group was going so we joined up with lots of other parents at tots and went on a wagon ride through their ranch.

I must admit, I may have had more fun than Lily Kate. It was amazing to see such large animals up close and personal.
This 16 year old giraffe would eat right out of your feed bucket.
Some kind of yak or buffalo, I can't remember, check out his tongue! Lily Kate loved dropping the feed into their mouths.

Lily Kate and JaJa on the wagon ride. Lily Kate kept saying "Yeehaw" as we rode.

I did almost lose my cookies when Lily Kate put her thumb in her mouth just after letting a llama eat out of her hand. We used a ton of hand sanitizer during our visit :)
Checking out the baby goats at the "petting zoo." I was thankful they stayed on one side of the gate.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Tour de Maternity

Today we had a sibling tour of the maternity center where Aubrey Jane will be born. Lily Kate did surprisingly well for being the youngest participant in today's session.
She learned how to help with the baby. Here she is practicing changing a diaper on her baby doll, Maxine.
Her favorite part was the teddy graham snack that was served. I loved the hats they gave each sibling.
We got to see the newborn nursery (including a new little baby) and one of the rooms. We had to explain several times that Aubrey Jane wasn't coming out of Mommy's tummy today, we were just visiting the hospital where she will come out soon.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

I've created a monster

This morning we went to a neighbor hood garage sale and Lily Kate quickly decided she loved it! After we would leave one house she would ask to go to another one, "not Lily Kate's house but another one yard sale house" She got all kinds of fun junk for free...her first Pokemon cards, a Leap Frog stuffed frog and her favorite has quickly become a treasure:
You've all seen them, they come in quarter machines (only now they are probably $.50) The finger puppet monsters. Well my sweet little girlie girl loves them. Her aunt Rachie gave her one a few weeks ago and she has played with it for hours on end. We found a yard sale today that had a pink one! So now her monster has a friend.

Friday, May 14, 2010


For the past four Friday nights we have been attending Friday Evening Date Experience at our church. Each week we hear from a different married couple who share their love story and give us advice on how to make our marriage better. I have really enjoyed these "scheduled" dates and just having some time to chat with my man. Lily Kate loves attending as well (they have childcare and our babysitter is one of the staff). I will be sad to see it come to an end next Friday, but I am thankful for many of the conversations it has started between us.
In my opinion some of the most useful advice we have learned:
Spend at least 10 minutes a day talking about something other than work/kids/household.
While wives require lots of love, husbands need lots of respect.
Communication is key to a healthy relationship.
It is hard to believe Stephen and I will celebrate our 7 year anniversary at the end of the month. I'm so thankful I married my best friend!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Catching up

Here are some fun pics from the past few weeks. Our family goes through withdrawal if I don't regularly post pictures :)
Katelynn Grace (one of Lily Kate's favorite cousins) is so sweet and gentle with Lily Kate, they have a mutual love for each other.
Wearing Daddy's clown nose.
Too cute for words.
My Mother's Day gift from my sweet girl- a magnetic photo frame.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Strawberry Pickin

Yesterday, we went to Hall Family Farm to pick some strawberriesy. I hadn't been since I was three months old, so this was a lot more fun...I could actually eat them, and eat I did. Every time Mommy turned around I was biting one and putting it in our box.
My friend, Anna Kate and her Mom, met us there and we enjoyed picking them together.
Mommy and I

After we filled our box, we ate a picnic lunch. I got really excited about having my picture excited I decided to get creative...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

We love the Carmel Branch!

When we moved here almost 2 years ago, I was in dire need of some adult interaction during the weekdays. Lily Kate and I started attending story time at the public library. Mrs. Sandy hosts story time each week and she is wonderful!
Mrs. Sandy & Lily Kate shaking bells.
Lily Kate used to stand at her knees while she read each book.
We always have bubbles at the end!
Story time has become a staple to our weekly routine. With some budget cuts we may not only lose story time; we may lose our branch and Mrs. Sandy! You better believe we will drive to whichever branch she goes to...she has become part of our family! Lily Kate runs into the library each week searching for "Mrs. Sandy!"