Friday, October 26, 2012

Fall Party!

Both girls had their fall parties this week at Weeschool.  It worked out for Stephen and I to help with Aubrey's party.  I have a whole new appreciation for Ms. Jean and Ms. DeeDee!
Storytime- I read My Happy Pumpkin

Craft time- 5 Little Pumpkins

Pumpkin Spice Playdoh-
It smelled so yummy one little friend ate it :)

 After school we ran some errands with Daddy.
The girls enjoyed testing out some different costume accessories

Aubrey loved holding this manequins' hand!
Lily Kate calls them Humaniquins :)

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Boo Bash

We met some friends at the Blakeney Boo Bash on Saturday morning.  It was a fun opportunity for more free stuff and for the girls to get to wear their costumes!  This year, Aubrey chose to be a cupcake (she got the idea from the Karen Katz book Princess Baby)

Poor baby, no one calls her by her real name! "I am not a buttercup, or a giggly goose. I am not a cupcake. Please don't call me Little Lamb, and never ever Gum Drop," Princess Baby insists.  Aubrey was fascinated with the illustration of her dressed like a cupcake and that was how she decided her Halloween costume.
Our little cupcake!
The cupcake and Doc McStuffins
She's a toy doctor from a show on Disney Junior

The Doc is really talented at Limbo-she has her own technique!

She won!  She got to pick a prize.
The girls made sand art, decorated picture frames, played carnival games, jumped in the bounce house and even painted pumpkins!

Though when asked, their favorite moments were:
Aubrey said getting her nails painted orange
Lily Kate said hugging Grimace!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Pumpkin Pickin

As you all know, I love free stuff.  In late September, I found large carving pumpkins at Aldi for 2.99- this frugal momma couldn't pass that up! Since they were such a good deal, I thought we might forego the pumpkin patch this year. When I won a 4 pack of tickets to Hall Family Farm we also couldn't pass that up either!  Most of the fun at Hall Family Farm is free- but we enjoyed a hayride, slushies and popcorn on the house!  (Stephen and I redeemed the Corn Maze tickets on Saturday on a double date with friends)  I love Facebook giveaways- I love winning Facebook giveaways!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Never Underestimate the Craftiness!

My dear friend, Katie got this idea off pinterest and when she showed me how cute hers turned out, I wanted to make one too!  The pin directions were very good and easy to follow- for under $12 I have a new fall yarn wreath!

Here is my new fall yarn wreath!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Monday, October 15, 2012

Spontaneous Surprise

Saturday morning at 9:50am, Stephen asked if we should go to Disney on Ice- there was an 11AM show.  I had just started making pumpkin waffles and I looked at him like he had 3 heads! After giving it some thought, I decided we could skip naps and go to the 2:30pm show.   So we did!  Stephen found a coupon code online (he speaks my love language) and purchased the tickets.  We decided to keep it a surprise for the girls- they just knew we were going on a family adventure.  Some of their guesses were to a park, the zoo, a bobcats game or to the Panthers.
They both really enjoyed it- Lily Kate is a Disney on Ice veteran- it was her third time going.  And though I packed some snacks - she had to have a snow cone.  Aubrey was a little overwhelmed at first.  Cars was the first scene and it was a little noisy- she says she was scared :)  But she enjoyed the rest of it and waved to Mickey and the gang when they came out.

I love Stephen for being such an amazing Daddy.  He loves to spoil his girls and do fun and spontaneous things with them.  It turned out to be a very memorable Saturday!  Thanks, Babe!

Friday, October 5, 2012

The Simple Things

Aubrey has a new favorite game that she and Daddy created.  She holds this wooden fish above her head and someone throws a ping pong ball at it.  She LOVES this and will retrieve the ball over and over.  Tonight she got it out to play with Daddy when he got home :)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Rockin Out with Mr. Nigel

The girls love to go hear Mr. Nigel sing and he performs at Toys & Co on a weekly basis.  We went to the Park Road location on Thursday at 4.  He performs at the Cotswold Toys & Co on Friday's at 11am.  It so much fun.  This week he threw a dance party!
Aubrey danced on Rodi the horse!

 On the way home, I looked in the rearview mirror and this is what I saw:

Such sweet sisters!