I've said before, all my best ideas are borrowed. Well here are the directions of how I made these turkey hairbows
Grosgrain Ribbon 3/8"
Brown: ~25"
Yellow: ~16"
Orange: ~16" +scrap for beak
Red: ~8" +scrap for the wattle
2 Googly eyes
1 Metal All Purpose Hair Clip (I bought mine at Sally Beauty)
Hot glue gun
Fabric scissors
Cut ribbon for feathers: one 3.5" piece and one 4" piece for each feather
You need 2 yellow feathers, 2 orange feathers and 1 red one.
Cut brown ribbon for the body: one 3" piece, two 3.5" piece,
one 4" piece, one 5" piece to wrap hair clip
Cut beak and wattle.
Loop 3.5" piece and put small drop of glue at base to hold.
Loop 4" piece around smaller loop using glue drops as needed to secure.
I then put one of the extra hair clips on the loop to hold it while it dries.
Repeat for all 5 feathers.
Glue and wrap hair clip with largest brown ribbon piece.
Make turkey's body just like feathers, the body consists of 3 loops.
Make the turkey's head (see photo) and glue to body.
Add beak and wattle using small drops of hot glue.
Glue body and head to feathers.
Finally attach eyes
Please let me know if any of the steps need more clarity. I hope yours turn out super cute!
Those look SO cute!!! Whenever I try to make something it never turns out like the picture. :)