Sunday, August 8, 2010

You've Got a Friend in Me

The title of this blog is taken from a movie we have seen entirely too much lately...Lily Kate calls it "her song"!
This week we were able to get together with some of our wonderful friends from Greenville, NC. On Wednesday the girls and I met the Keeslers for a picnic at the park. They were passing through Charlotte and took time to stop by and see us. Lily Kate loved playing with Abby and Kate!
I love how when you are part of the Body of Christ even though miles may separate you, you can still stay connected with dear friends. God truly blessed me with some amazing friendships while we lived in Greenville. Most of those friendships came out of a Bible Study that Amy Bell helped to start.

Saturday we got to visit with the Bells. Being around them just makes my heart happy. We had a great time hanging out. We met some other Bible Study girls (and their hubbies) at Jason's Deli for lunch and then visited some more with Amy and Will while the girls napped at our house.
I met Amy right before she got married and now she and William have a 15 month old daughter, Cora. It has been so fun growing our families together!
Will and Cora
The girls playing kitchen

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