Friday, August 6, 2010

Photo Ops

There is more than one use for a Boppy...just ask Reese.
Aubrey loves her Wubbanub. (For those of you without a baby: its a beanie baby attached to a really helps keep the paci from falling out, but it is more tempting to an older sibling - we learned that lesson last weekend)
Lily Kate "taking a nap" with actual sleeping took place :)


  1. never heard of a Wubbanub however i must get one!!! where???? i hate those pacifer clip things and refuse to use them. but he do need something to keep s's in his mouth!!

  2. They sell them at specialty stores and boutiques. I found ours at Buy Buy Baby...if you don't have one in Charleston you must go when you come up for a is dangerous!
